6 Yard TheraBand

  • You can use this 6-yard roll of Theraband to create both a “full length” and a “looped band.”
  • Can be used at the crag, in the gym or at home
  • Low-cost, portable, and versatile
  • Endorsed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), recognized worldwide as the original System of Progressive Resistance.


To Create a Full-Length Band

Step inside the band and pull the loose ends with just enough tension to eliminate any folds. Measure the height of the band on each side. The band should reach from the floor to the top of your head on both sides of your body. Cut the band.

Example of a Full-Length Band Exercise

A muscle activation exercise that utilizes the full-length band to activate the climbing oppositional muscles in the arms and legs.

To Create a Looped Band

With the remainder of the band, measure the distance from your fingertips to your shoulder and cut the band to this length. Tie two knots at the end of the band to make a loop.

Example of a Looped Band Exercise

A stability exercise that uses a looped band to strengthen the muscles in the rotator cuff.


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