The episode just went out today. Check out the description below from Chris is doing an amazing thing by putting out this podcast to climbers, so show him some […]
We had a solid group of 15 climbers that came out to participate in the “Ultimate Climber Clinic” at Stronghold Climbing Gym. Check out the pics – Thanks to Yaman.
I am a Doctor of Physical therapy student and I wanted to ask you a climbing specific injury question. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up and my middle fingers felt a little stiff (my left hand especially).
I am a 30 year old novice climber. The reason I write you this morning is that I have enjoyed climbing but I have had to take weeks or months between climbing sessions to let my hands recover.
16 people registered for the “How to Climb Injury Free” clinic at the International Climber’s Festival in Lander Wyoming. The clinic sold out after only a few days. It was […]
This past week I was interviewed on the Enormocast to discuss preventing injuries among rock climbers and the new release of “The Ultimate Climber – Prevent Injury and Peak Your […]
I met Miguel in Ridgecrest at 4pm and grabbed some pizza, made tape gloves, talked about the route and then carpooled out to the trailhead. The flexibility of […]
Outdoor Research just published an article co-authored by The Climbing Doctor on how to prevent pelvic pain climbing. There is a lot to learn in this article. Check it out!
It had been a year and a half since my last climb. Previously, I had spent six months in South America on a climbing rampage.I climbed difficult objectives that I […]
DPM just published a new Climbing Doctor article on how to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome climbing. Check it out!
BlogThe Climbing Doctor2024-03-18T13:06:17-07:00