In order to climb at your highest level and pain-free, you must have adequate mobility throughout your body. This article speaks specifically to mobility in the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine is the group of spinal segments below your neck and above your low back.
Recently, “The Climbing Doctor” had the chance to connect with Chris Danielson, who is one the most renowned American route setters. This was a unique opportunity to see the behind the scenes thought processes that goes […]
Hanging on your arms during rest stances, climbing with a hunched posture, and strenuous overhead reaching can increase the likelihood of a rotator cuff strain. Proper posture is especially important during rest stances.
Balanced muscles around the shoulder are essential for climbing efficiency as well as to avoid uneven tension around the joint. Imbalance in muscles around joints leads to increased strain and […]
You are cruxing out on your bouldering project. Your hands are sweating, your heart racing and you need just one more move to send it. You give it one hard […]
A few months ago I was scanning my inbox when I came across an email from Vogue Magazine for an interview request. I used to see the cover of the […]
It is the end of the day. You are tired and beat, but you decide to give it one last go on your project. You get to the crux move […]
Part 2 of an interview series with Eva Lopez on climbing and injury prevention techniques.
Climbing is one of the fastest growing sports in the country. With the number of climbers at nine million and growing, overuse injuries are occurring at an alarming rate. It’s always better to prevent injury than to deal with the painful consequences.
I had the opportunity to pick Eva Lopez’s brain on her thoughts on preventing climbing injury. Eva has an amazing wealth of knowledge on training for climbing and preventing injury. […]
BlogThe Climbing Doctor2024-03-18T13:06:17-07:00