Hybrid continuing ed courses for medical providers and coaches who are interested in treating rock climbers including both online content and remote live sessions

  • Rock Rehab Hybrid Course Series

    This rock climbing injury continuing education course series is for medical professionals looking to advance their knowledge in assessing, diagnosing and treating injuries with rock climbers. The material is highly interactive with an emphasis on case based learning and practical application. The course series is divided into six units. For each unit, you will access and view pre-recorded lectures on the unit’s topic, read associated articles, and meet for zoom live sessions to problem solve rock climbing patient cases related to the material. The course series is comprehensive and by the conclusion you will have a strong understanding of how to rehabilitate rock climbing injuries. All registration fees are fully refundable up to 48 hours before the first live session. . This Registration is for the 2025 Cohort. Use code "earlybird" to receive $150 off of registration if used before Jan 1st, 2025. 
  • This level 2 continuing education course is for clinicians to gain confidence in assessing, diagnosing and treating rock climbing finger injuries with diagnostic ultrasound. You will again access to the level 1 online course that includes 3 hours of pre-recorded lectures, associated articles, and learning assessments. You will then meet for a 4 hour live session to problem solve rock climbing patient cases with realtime ultrasound demonstrations and will discuss your patient images with an certified ultrasound expert. It is recommended that you have access to an ultrasound unit before taking this course. This Registration is for the 2024 Cohort.
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