Dynamic Climbing Warm-up
This dynamic climbing warm-up was published in DPM issue 25. Photos and video are included in this post. Perform this dynamic 5 minute warm-up before you climb to prevent injury and maximize performance.
Wall Clocks
Wall clocks are used to activate the external rotators in the rotator cuff. It strengthens these muscles reaching to improve strength transitioning to climbing holds placed in different positions.
Activation Wrap Side Reach
This exercises uses the Climber's Wrap to mirror reaching positions achieved during climbing. The complex weave of the band offers more resistance the further that you reach, allowing you to challenge your rotator cuff and scapular muscles.
The Activation Position
The climber's wrap utilizes the concept that our entire body must coordinate it's movement in order for our arms to reach. The band wraps around the legs to activate the gluteal muscles and the core to provide a solid foundation for reaching.