Red Rock Rendezvous
Red Rock Rendezvous is the nations largest outdoor climbing festival. Over 1100 climbers gather right outside Las Vegas Nevada each for three jam-packed days of climbing, clinics and activities. Clinics are hosted by some of the top professional climbers from across the country. Dr. Vagy, the author of “The Ultimate Climber – Prevent Injury and Peak Your Performance” was invited to run two seminars at the festival called “How to Climb Injury Free.” Both sold out clinics taught climbers how to move efficiently on the wall without getting hurt and introduced injury prevention exercises to keep them climbing safe and strong.

Beautiful Red Rocks

This was the setup. Tents to the left, stage and vendors to the right and rocks in the back!

Dyno Comp

Joven at “The Climbing Doctor” booth testing climber’s grip strength

Professional Climber Matt Segal testing his grip

Professional Climber Dan Mirsky Getting Competitive

Getting a little crazy with some TheraBand equipment.

Testing rotator cuff strength during the clinic

With legendary climber Hans Florine who has the current speed record on the Nose of Elp Capitan. Great book in hands!

The intelliskin posture shirts were a hit. I gave one to Hans to keep him aligned. Stand Tall!

“The Climbing Doctor” Crew. Thanks for all your help this weekend!

Festival organizer Paul Fish, owner of Mountain Gear

Breakfast anyone?

It’s getting crazy!

Down time at the festival

Sleeping arrangements


Participants lining up for clinics

Trying on posture shirts during my “How to climb injury free” clinic
- Disclaimer – The content here is designed for information & education purposes only and the content is not intended for medical advice.