Climbing Injury Real-Time Ultrasound Prague, Czech Republic


This continuing education course is designed to teach medical providers clinical and laboratory skills necessary to assess and effectively treat upper extremity rock climbing injuries. The course covers the epidemiology of common climbing upper extremity injuries, orthopedic assessment techniques, and diagnostic ultrasound theory and application. It is a laboratory based course with an emphasis on improving the clinical assessment of shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand and finger injuries with ultrasound. Upon completion, attendees will have introductory skills and knowledge to help integrate real-time ultrasound into their management of upper extremity injuries in rock climbers and other athletes. Course is $838 USD which is approximately 800 Euros. Use code “firstascent” to receive $100 off of registration if used before February 28th, 2025.



  • Understand the pathophysiology of rock climbing injuries
  • Examine the rock climbing athlete with real time ultrasound to identity musculoskeletal injury
  • Provide interventions targeted toward the management of rock climbing finger injuries

Registration Cap

  • This course is limited to 32 participants

Date and Time

  • June 2nd – June 3rd 8am – 5pm


  • Charles University: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
  • Room: U10; main building, 3rd floor
  • José Martího 31
  • Prague 6, 162 52, Czech Republic

Contact Hours

  • 16 contact hours of content

Course Certificate

  • Course completion certificate for 16 hrs of course material

Is There a Discount for Students?

  • Yes! In order to support the growth and develop of students who are becoming medical providers we have created a coupon code for $350 off of the course. Enter the code “student” at checkout. At the course you will be required to show verification of your student status.


  • Lecture and Lab

Participant to Instructor Ratio

  • 11:1


  • Intermediate


  • Breakfast (bagels, cream cheese, muffins etc…), snacks, coffee, and water will be provided.
  • There are several meal options for lunch around the course location.

Course Hosts

Volker Schöffl: MD, PhD, MHBA (Bamberg, Germany)

Dr. Volker Schöffl is an Adjunct Professor of Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery, University Erlangen – Nuremberg, Germany and Adjoint Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He is a Fellow of the Academy of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) and a German Board certified General Surgeon as well as an Orthopedic and Trauma surgeon. He also holds Board degrees for Sports Medicine and Emergency Medicine.

Dr.Schöffl’s academic focus is on extreme sports medicine, climbing injuries, bio-mechanics of the hand, alpine and wilderness medicine, and surgery in developing countries. He is section head of the Center of Sports Medicine in Klinikum Bamberg, Germany and heading a medical partnership program with the Khamouane Provincial Hospital in Thakhek, Laos, where he also regularly practices. He is a member of the Medical Commissions of the UIAA and the IFSC, as well as the Safety Commission of the German Alpine Club. He is the team physician to the German Climbing Team and the German Ski-mountaineering Team.

Dr. Schöffl went to medical school at Ruhr University of Bochum, University of the Witwatersrand of Johannesburg and Julius Maximillians University of Würzburg, where he received his M.D. He continued his academical career at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg where he completed his habilitation in 2007 and became Associate and later Adjunct Professor.

Xeber Iruretagoiena: PhD, MSc, MSc P (San Sebastian, Spain)

Xeber Iruretagoiena is a sport physiotherapist practicing in The Basque Country. His clinical practice is the musculoskeletal injuries of the upper limb and specially the climbing injuries of the hand. He is currently working as a physiotherapist at a sport medicine and physiotherapy clinic, at Sputnik climbing team and as a professor at The University of Deusto. He also provides training in musculoskeletal ultrasound.

Jared Vagy PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS (Los Angeles, California)

Jared Vagy is a doctor of physical therapy with a focus on treating rock climbing injuries. In addition to his doctoral degree, he has completed a one-year residency in orthopedics and a one-year fellowship in movement science. He is the author of the Amazon #1 best-seller “Climb Injury-Free,” has published numerous articles on injury prevention and lectures on the topic internationally. Dr. Vagy is on the teaching faculty at the University of Southern California, one of the top doctor of physical therapy programs in the United States. He is a board-certified orthopedic clinical specialist and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. He is passionate about climbing and enjoys working with climbers of all ability levels, ranging from novice climbers to the top professional climbers in the world.

  • If you are traveling from abroad and need information about accommodations near the course, email:
Course Schedule
  • Day 1
    • 7:30am-8:00am: Registration
    • 8:00am-9:15am: Introduction to Rock Climbing Injuries
    • 9:15am-10:15am: Finger Injury Assessments Lecture and Lab Part 1
    • 10:15am-10:30am: Break
    • 10:30am-12:00pm: Finger Injury Interventions Lecture and Lab Part 2
    • 12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch
    • 1:00pm-2:00pm: Wrist/Hand Injury Assessments Lecture and Lab
    • 2:00pm-2:15pm: Break
    • 2:15pm-3-3:45: Wrist/Hand Injury Interventions Lecture and Lab
    • 3:45pm-4:00pm: Break
    • 4:00pm-5:30pm: Lower Extremity Injury Assessments and Interventions Lecture and Lab
    • 5:30-5:45pm: Wrap-up and Questions
  • Day 2
    • 8:00am-9:15am: Shoulder/Neck Assessments Lecture and Lab
    • 9:15am-10:15am: Shoulder/Neck Interventions Lecture and Lab
    • 10:15am-10:30am: Break
    • 10:30am-12:00pm: Elbow Assessments Lecture and Lab
    • 12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch
    • 1:00pm-2:00pm: Elbow Intervention Lecture and Lab
    • 2:00pm-2:15pm: Break
    • 2:15pm-3-3:45: Clinical Pearls Lecture and Lab Part 1
    • 3:45pm-4:00pm: Break
    • 4:00pm-5:30pm: Clinical Pearls Lecture and Lab Part 2
    • 5:30-5:45pm: Wrap-up and Questions


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